
Greenline Yachts Media Reviews

If you want an unbias review on our range, you know you can trust the expert journalists that write for local and international boating media.

Read or watch, and you’ll also find out exactly why the Greenline Yachts range is praised so highly…

Greenline 33 Hybrid – 2013 Review

HemaX – April 2019

Jeff Strang from Tradeaboat reviews the Greenline 33 on Pittwater. Take a look inside and outside the boat and find out more about the diesel – electric hybrid engines on this fantastic model.

Greenline 33 Hybrid Yacht

Power & Motoryacht – March 2013

Greenline, Eyachts Australia and New Zealand

Sometimes the best ideas come from the unlikeliest locales. Take the Greenline 33 for example, which is built in Slovenia of all places—a country that is very nearly landlocked.

Seaway Greenline 33 Hybrid

Motorboat & Yachting – May 2010

It looks good and won’t cost the Earth. Is this new hybrid-powered Greenline the shape of motorboating’s future? The Greenline 33 is a great value boat that offers excellent efficiency.

Greenline 33 Review

Tradeaboat – December 2010

Greenline, Eyachts Australia and New Zealand

A serious contender in the world of hybrid cruisers, the Greenline 33 is compact, clean running and torquey. But when in electric mode, the silence is what’s golden.

Greenline 33 – 2010

Greenline, Eyachts Australia and New Zealand

An innovative design that has produced a kind of sea-going Prius that combines batteries, solar cells and a Volkswagon diesel engine to create an economical cruiser that is the Greenline 33.