
Greenline Yachts Media Reviews

If you want an unbias review on our range, you know you can trust the expert journalists that write for local and international boating media.

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Greenline Hybrid 36 Review

Powerboat & Ribs – October 2017

The Greenline 36 (now 39) offer fantastic all round visibility… perfect if you intend to go single crew… She runs very level… remarkably smooth.

Going Green: The Greenline 39

Yachting Magazine – September 2017

Greenline, Eyachts Australia and New Zealand

When powered solely by her solar panels, the Greenline 39 Hybrid can achieve a maximum speed of 6.5 knots and a cruise speed of 4 knots. Those speeds aren’t going to blow any doors off, but hey, you won’t be spending any money on fuel either.